Department of Automatic Control and Robotics is the largest organizational unit of Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics, Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering AGH. Throughout years of the Faculty’s development it repeatedly originated new departments and studies. From that Department, through numerous divisions, the following new departments came into existence (which currently remain in the structures of Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics, Computer Science and Engineering in Biomedicine and Faculty of Computer Science, Electronics and Telecommunications): Dept. of Computer Science, Dept of. Electronics, Dept of. Telecommunication, Dept. of Applied Computer Science and Dept. of Biomedical Engineering.

Currently there are 64 employees of the Department, out of which 19 are either associate or full professors.The Department occupies rooms in 5 building at the central area of AGH-UST campus. The scientific research conducted in the Department focus on the following fields: automatic control, robotics, industrial systems control, smart methods and control systems, informatics in control and management, magnetic levitation and photovoltaics. The Department is inseparably linked with Automatics and Robotics studies held on the Faculty; these studies were awarded twice by the Polish Accreditation Committee (PKA) and offer four second-cycle studies in four specialties: Computer Control Systems, Intelligent control systems, Informatics in Control and Management, as well as Cyber-physical systems (in English). The Department also offers two postgraduate studies: Informatics and Management as well as Computer Control Systems and Digital Control.

The academic achievements of Department’s employees include theoretical and applied research in the following fields: industrial systems control, processes automatization, automotive control systems, automatic control, robotics, mechatronics, vision systems, reconfigurable systems, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) control, magnetic levitation, photovoltaics, informatics in control and management of production processes, multiple-criteria decision analysis (MCDA), and anticipation systems. The Department’s total laboratory floor area reaches 1500 sq. m and include 28 laboratory rooms, out of which 24 houses unique research and teaching workstations, such as: a distillation column, magnetic bearings, a conveyor belt assembly line system, autonomous cars, mechatronic systems (an inverted pendulum, a 3D gantry crane), image processing systems, robots, drones, simulators, photovoltaic systems, and informatic systems (e.g., SAP). The total yearly average number of publications (co-)authored by Department’s employees exceeds 250 items.

In the Department numerous research and teaching programs were and are carried out (both domestic and international), such as ATLANTIS, TEMPUS, COST, ERASMUS, ESPRIT II and KIC. The Department have close relations and cooperates not only with scientific institutions and other technical universities in Poland, but also with foreign universities in Great Britain, France, Denmark, Belgium, Spain, Portugal and USA.


Krzysztof Oprzędkiewicz

prof. dr hab. inż.

Head of Department

jaworek_korjakowska_joanna AGH

Joanna Jaworek-Korjakowska

dr hab. inż., Associate Professor

Deputy Head of Department